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The dangers of discounting

It's intriguing to observe the prevalence of businesses relying on price discounts to secure orders, but that discussion warrants its own exploration.

There is a profound impact of seemingly minor discounts and their potential to undermine a business.

Around the world, it's common practice for businesses to offer 10% discounts, partly because it's perceived as significant enough to sway decisions, yet seemingly inconsequential to profitability—or so it seems. Additionally, it's straightforward to calculate.

Let's consider a business with a 30% margin. For every $100 in sales, $70 covers direct costs, leaving $30 for other expenses.

When a customer requests a 10% discount, turning $100 into $90, the cost remains $70, thus reducing profit from $30 to $20. Consequently, the business needs to increase sales by 50% just to break even.

Furthermore, as demand for the discounted product rises, additional resources are allocated, further eroding margins. This cycle is all too familiar: businesses expanding, yet profits diminishing.

Now, envision an alternative scenario—a 10% price increase. Suddenly, the product or service is priced at $110, but costs remain at $70, yielding a profit of $40 instead of $30. To experience a decline, you would need to lose over 25% of your customer base.

Margin and pricing strategies are pivotal to business prosperity. Recognizing the implications outlined above can shield your business from the silent threat lurking within.

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